Author: HH
              Yoga is a known stress buster. ones that crop up after age 40. It increases insulin sensitivity, a signal to your body to burn food as fuel rather than store it as fat. The yoga poses for weight loss will do just that while firming up your arms, legs, butt, and abs.

The following steps to practice:
        1. Follow this routine at least 3 times a week.
        2. Each move 1 time for 3 to 5 deep breaths.
        3. If it's too difficult, do the Make It Easier variation.
        4. For faster results: Hold each pose for 5 to 8 breaths and increase repetitions by 2 or 3.
        5. Stand with feet together, toes forward, and arms at sides.
        6. Inhale and raise arms overhead, reaching fingertips toward .
 7. Exhale, and bend forward from hips, bringing hands to floor. Inhale, and as you exhale, step right leg back into a lunge (left knee bent about 90 degrees), knee over ankle.

Author: HH
          Supta Vajrasana is the development of Vajrasana. This asana includes
Author: HH
       The asanas are designed to cultivate the root of our tree of the spinal column. This asana helps to develop the spine. The spinal cord is the most important part of the body. The asana improves digestion and appetite. This type of asana cures constipation and It removes excess fat in the human body. This asana is also called the Bow pose. The mind must be fixed on the movements and it should be relaxed.

The following steps to practice:
       1. First everybody select any place.
       2. The asana should lie on the ground facing to downwards.
       3. Catch the hands by bending to the legs backwards.
       4. Hold the breath.
       5. Then exhale slowly.
       6. Stay in this position as long as possible.
       7. It can be practiced 6 (or) 7 times.
       8. Important one is Practice this asana when your stomach is empty.
Author: HH
           Vajra means thunderbolt in Sanskrit language. The asana makes the body  strongly and healthy. The asana gives strengthens the spine. The asana is decreasing our blood preasure. This Asana which we can do just after taking food. The asana helps in digestion. The asana removes laziness & rheumatism of the waist.The asana is to practice Inhale and exhale slowly. Slowly listen the  expanding the chest and focus the attention on these body parts.

The following steps to practice:
      1. First sit on it with your legs bent backwards.
      2. Slide towards left, bend at right leg knee, and rest it under right hip.
      3. This Asana should never be done sitting on the forefoot.
      4. Everybody feel pain doing in Asana.
      5. Place your arms beside your torso.
      6. your palms upon your knees.
      7. The eyes should look forward.
      8. Now breathe slowly.
      9. Concentrate on your breath.
    10. Stay for 10 to 40 seconds or 1 to 5 minutes.
Author: HH
            In this yoga position resembles that of a bird. The asana builds strength in the upper extremities levels.The asana is very rejuvenating exercise.  In there are 
      1. Arms 
      2. Forearms 
      3. Elbow joints 
      4. Hands   
            It gives you the confidence to begin work with the Handstand. The asana  requires much more Coordination, Concentration, Awareness than the muscular strength in the upper arms. This type of asana cures back and shoulder problems. In this asana maintain their youth and vitality.

The following steps:
    1. Select the anywhere place.
    2. Place your forehead on the place with palms by the side of the trunk.
    3. Then, Slowly inhale lifting the head.
    4. To trunk of back from the place.
    5. If you raising the trunk, By pressing the palms on the place.
    6. Keep the legs to be perpendicular to the ground by exhale.
    7. Deep breaths and exhale slowly.
    8. While lowering your body and relax. 

Author: HH
Author: HH
Yoga exercises that includes exercises for your stomach muscles,