Author: HH
       The asanas are designed to cultivate the root of our tree of the spinal column. This asana helps to develop the spine. The spinal cord is the most important part of the body. The asana improves digestion and appetite. This type of asana cures constipation and It removes excess fat in the human body. This asana is also called the Bow pose. The mind must be fixed on the movements and it should be relaxed.

The following steps to practice:
       1. First everybody select any place.
       2. The asana should lie on the ground facing to downwards.
       3. Catch the hands by bending to the legs backwards.
       4. Hold the breath.
       5. Then exhale slowly.
       6. Stay in this position as long as possible.
       7. It can be practiced 6 (or) 7 times.
       8. Important one is Practice this asana when your stomach is empty.
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On 26 July 2011 at 02:19 , Ganesh said...
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